When I started this blog, I had and still have an ultimate goal : Bring people to experience God. You should read A New Dawn for better understanding. Although I have tried to keep to this task, I realise that I may have digressed in some way. This article is my way of letting you know that your will to end well is important.
In the last weeks, there has been a sense of urgency around me and I can’t seem to explain why. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll notice that the Bible verse of the recent weeks has been really practical with all that’s happening.
The end
For the purpose of clarity, I will use an analogy :
When you sit down to watch a movie, I don’t know about you but I never choose a movie that ends badly. There’s a lot going on around me and the movie I watch also affects me. Does this apply to you too?
Let’s say you choose a movie that ends well, when you get to the end, you don’t want the movie to actually end. In the course of the movie, I’m sure you witnessed the actors take important decisions which affected the end. Don’t forget that these actors have a script with their directors shouting CUT!!!
Back in reality, you don’t have a script and you certainly don’t know how every decision will turn out. How can you determine if you will end well?
The Determinant
A good name and maybe some good deeds will definitely put you on the world’s book of ending well. On the the contrary, these aren’t enough to make God’s good book. A lot more goes into consideration of who goes where for God. A few of them include (You can add some more in the comment section) :
- You should know God: If you don’t know God then you can make the decision to know Him. To know God is to believe that there is a greater person who wants the best for you. I’ve written so much about this God, you can click here to read more about Him.
- Accept Him as your Saviour: If you know God, then you can accept Him as your friend and Lord. Why should you accept Him ? Well, when you weren’t looking, He gave His only son to die so you can live to the fullest. Want to know more about His son, Click here
- Build a relationship with God: For instance, you make out time for your loved ones and fill them in on every recent occurrence. In like manner, you can speak to God about everything and anything, He’s really attentive. Communication is what makes up this relationship, you can read about it here.
- Put in the effort & Trust: In your earthly relationship, asides communicating you put in a lot of effort. You need to put in that same effort here and trust Him. Trust that He knows where you are going and He will take you there.
I recently finished a Christian novel where the main character didn’t believe in God and had doubts about why God would ever want her. You see she had done unimaginable things but God still wanted her. You may have your doubts about this God but think of it as a clean slate to start afresh and build something special with the one who knows you.
‘Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!’ Psalms 34:8

A personal inventory
An inventory is a detailed list of all the things in a place (source: Cambridge) When was the last time you took an inventory of your life? Well, you should take one because it will help to analyse what you can do better to enforce your will to end well.
On this journey of knowing God, you never actually stop growing unless you don’t want to learn. You can work on the faults you find to help you improve on this journey to the end.
Which side are you standing on?
Many people associate fear with a lot of things, most especially death. Why should there be fear in death if you know where you will end? Death isn’t only about the physical death (not breathing), it’s more about the spiritual part.
The spiritual death is for you to determine where you want to end : Heaven or Hell. Think about in this way: If you die where do you want to end ?Heaven or Hell.
Unfortunately, no one can switch sides at their will, this is why you must choose where you want now and work towards it.
‘“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. ‘ Revelation 3:15-16
In order to end well, You have to make a decision on which side you want. No in between, The choice is yours!
What are you looking at ?
Is your will to end well valid enough for you to look solely to God ? In this journey of ending well, there are so many distractions by the side. If you focus on the distractions, how can you look on anything else?
Peace of mind is crucial for many but they never seek it in the right place. Only God gives peace that surpasses the understanding of man, if you will look to Him:
‘For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. ‘ Romans 8:6
When people die, it’s not only about what they will be remembered for, it’s more about “Did you make Heaven ?”. Well, It’s only you that will know the answer to the question. Heaven and Hell isn’t discriminatory, it applies to everyone, What’s your choice?
Want to know God better ?, check out the Finding God Series here in this order : Clarity, Are you ready ? , Jesus Christ and Change .
Read the previous article: How to deal with grief and anger with God
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