Roman 13 : A guide on submission to Government

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In recent times, there has been a trend of submitting to the Government or face penalties. Although this new trend has received multiple backlash, it is working for the mean time. For this reason, we will be examining Romans 13 as a guide on submission to government.

Submission is practically giving others the ability to make decisions in your stead. Without the possibility of getting a penalty, would you submit to the Government of your country ?

Total or Partial submission

When it comes to submitting to a higher authority, there are a lot of things that come to mind such as: Will they make the best decision? or Can you trust them? Now apply this to your Government.

It’s common practice to have a democratic government where possible, while others have some other form of governance. Due to this, The “majority carries the vote” candidate is the one elected.

Can you submit totally or partially to this person? What happens when it’s not the person you voted for that is in Government? Should you still submit totally?

Romans 13:1 says that “all authorities that exist are of God” meaning that they have been appointed by God. God never misjudges anything and definitely, the person God has put over you has a role to play.

To disobey this government is to disobey God regardless of your preference. This is the reason why you should pray for the people who aspire to govern you that they may be filled with God’s spirit, wisdom and discernment.

In the initial stage of choosing who governs you, do you pray for a person who you can totally submit to? I believe that even though God knows the person you want to govern you, He’s waiting for you to ask Him to confirm if it’s His will.

What is your motivation to submit ?

It’s common practice to submit to avoid penalties. Asides that, why are you submitting to the Government? Submission should not come from a place of fear but a place of trust; Trust that God wouldn’t give you a bad government.

Do you know that it is relatively easy to get on with someone you trust than someone you don’t trust? It is quite easy to submit to a government you believe is good than one which you don’t think is.

Verse 3 of Romans 13 says that For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. ‘

There are a lot of things you don’t see from the view of the Government because you aren’t in their position. Decisions taken that no one finds out about or Security threats to the Nation quietly alleviated, It’s really easy to criticise when you aren’t wearing the shoes.

You may say that you will definitely do better than what the current Government is doing, which is true but it’s a process. Now, you are a citizen whose submission is key, tomorrow you may be the head of the government. It’s all in stages, and what you sow today, you will reap at some point (Galatians 6:7).

Romans 13 : A guide on submission to  government
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What if the Government is bad ?

When Paul wrote Romans 13, He envisioned the way and manner a Godly government should be. Although this applies to the current governments of the world, there are some governments that struggle to meet the criteria.

As you grow as an individual, you realise that there are certain ways to go about things that will prove effective. What exactly can you do if the government isn’t what you expect?

Due to our varying personalities and needs, what you want from the government might not be what the other wants. This is the reason governments have basic amenities that should be provided for all. Herein lies the first thing you should do.

Hold the Government accountable; it’s their duty to provide basic amenities and make life bearable for you. Romans 13 verse 6 and 7 details tax payment; you pay tax and you are held accountable by God and your government. In the same way, hold the government to their word whenever they fail to give you the basic needs or rights.

After holding them accountable, Ask God to intervene. I’m of the belief that there are lots of things God will do if only you take it to Him. You need to consciously pray for your governments because God must have the highest authority.

There’s no use cursing out a government if it will not alleviate your problems. You may not like the present situation but it is your job to give constructive criticism not destructive criticism. Think of every situation as a battle and your weapon, constructive criticism.

The dark spot

Imagine you have been planning an all white outfit for a long time; you figured it all out from the head to the feet. On the day you put on your white outfit, you find there’s a little dark spot on the chest area. Suddenly, all your planning , time and money are a waste because of one dark spot.

The Holy Spirit has been saying to me that a lot of people live life the God way. Although, there’s one spot that may tarnish their outcome: Cursing out their governments. It doesn’t matter if you said it out or you thought it in your heart.

I know it’s not easy to live in a place where things don’t work, or currently doesn’t work. Are you willing to let go of your hard work for one tiny error? Don’t you want to end well?

There’s a verse in the Bible that says the devil will claim his possession even if there’s very little in you. If you have anything that isn’t godly in you, it belongs to the devil and he will claim his possession by all means.

What if submission isn’t an option ?

Most often, when the government abandons God’s purpose, you need to draw a line. This calls for the spirit of discernment because it’s only the Holy Spirit that helps you to know when this arises. Submission to God is more important than submitting to a government that doesn’t obey God.

This article is miles from my comfort zone. When I got the leading to make this article, I was uncomfortable because I’m not into Politics or wise in the way of governments. It may be for just one person but I am happy I obeyed, it’s great to see God enlarging our knowledge.

Read the previous article: The will to end well

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3 Responses

  1. I really like what you said under the dark spot about cursing out the government. In Nigeria it’s the norm because it’s hard to find something good to say 😂 But you can’t be praying and cursing at the same time, super important. The post was great Funmi!!

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