Leading to Jesus

greyscale photography of birds flying above dockway

On Monday, my friend and I marked the highlights of our year. Humorously, we were going to forget one of the most important events, our graduation. Today, I began thinking about how these experiences led and are still leading to Jesus. How? Why? What? When I started planning my graduation, I had an idea. My […]

How to speak the truth in love

This year has been such a roller coaster of emotions, at least for me. From people speaking the truth however they want, to words being uttered out of context. How to speak the truth in love stems from a place of understanding. Understanding that the truth not spoken in love will not have the effect […]

In case you’re unsure, God can fill the void

In May of this year, I remember crying because a family lost their breadwinner. It was so emotional for me because it was a young family with little children. Although I’d been praying for them, I couldn’t help but think of the void left. At once, I felt the Holy Spirit begin to ask me […]

Who is your leader?

silhouette photography of person on a boat

When the team got to a certain point, we quickly realized we needed a leader. Fortunately for us, we had one on our boat. Who is your leader is the third part to the rowing series. If you haven’t read the second part, here’s the link. Please read it, before you go on. In Are […]

Stay Calm

body of water under blue and white skies

A few weeks ago, I ventured beyond my comfort zone. After some encouragement from my Supervisor, I decided to try rowing, although water and I are like A and Z. Stay Calm is the first part of the takeaway lessons from this experience. As it was my first time on a canoe, you should know […]

Friends not gods

woman between men facing mountains

Your friends are not gods. Those were the first words I heard when I woke up one morning. I didn’t think so much of it, until the Holy Spirit began to point me in the right direction. If you’ve been here for some time, you’d have read the article I wrote about having friends you’re […]

Why you need a community

people doing group hand cheer

For that lone Christian, who has decided to stay away from the Church. This is a letter to you from the Holy Spirit through me titled “Why you need a community”. What joy it was to see you as a part of the brethren. Those who’ve committed their lives to loving Jesus and towing the […]

Unconscious bias

ornamental arched window in historic building in sun rays

A few days ago, while reading the Foch woman devotional, Rubie – the author – wrote about Unlikely vessels. At the end of the page, for the reflection, she asks a question: How can you be more intentional about your unconscious bias? Before going any further, Bias means the action of supporting or opposing a […]

What’s your conviction?

anonymous young lady paddling boat in lake during trip in mountains

A few weeks back, I was at a restaurant with a friend/mentee and we discussed convictions about dating. It prompted this article and If I may ask, what’s your conviction? About Christianity, dating, life, family, marriage, and the likes? If you were to define a conviction, how would you define it? From the Cambridge dictionary, […]

The wrong justification

angry little brothers fighting and pulling toy to sides

A few weeks ago, an incident occurred and I thought it to be a perfect example. A perfect example of a wrong justification. The reason God establishes standards is for your good and mine. It’s the same way Organisations create a list of standards, so you understand what to do and not do. Let’s use […]