Who is your leader?

silhouette photography of person on a boat
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When the team got to a certain point, we quickly realized we needed a leader. Fortunately for us, we had one on our boat. Who is your leader is the third part to the rowing series. If you haven’t read the second part, here’s the link. Please read it, before you go on.

In Are you pulling your weight, I mentioned that my team consisted of newbies. What I forgot to mention was we had someone who had previous experience. Although not recent, experience is experience.

While rowing, my team and I got stuck in a little corner. Luckily, our leader was able to reverse the boat, with our help of course. However, he did the significant part.

At this point, I’d like to ask you: Is your leader’s position undisputed? It would have been chaotic if every member of the team didn’t know who the leader was.

For us, the leader had some previous experience. Technically, everyone can learn on the job, but the one with experience will come in handy. This may not be applicable to all situations, but in our case, it worked out well.

who is your leader?
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You probably know this already but everyone in the team can’t lead. However, you can pull your weight and submit to your leader.

One thing that stuck to me from this experience is: Your leader’s decision will affect everyone. If you choose a wrong leader, everyone will suffer for it.

In addition, do you pray for your leaders? 1 Timothy 2:1-2 asks that you and I pray for all men, and for kings and those in authority. If we do this, a peaceful and quiet life is assured.

When the leader is chosen, and their position established, your task is to pray for them. In turn, they lead with justice, righteousness and wisdom.

Thank you for reading! You can read more articles about leaders and leadership here.

Due to GDPR, the faces of the team members have been blurred

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Read Previous Post: Are you pulling your weight?

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Who is your leader? When the team got to a certain point, we quickly realized we needed a leader. Fortunately for us, we had one on our boat. Who is your leader is the third part to the rowing series. If you haven’t read the second part, here’s the link. Please read it, before you go on. In Are […]
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2 Responses

  1. Great series so far Funmi! I really like how you related your experience and the things you learned to events and verses in the bible!

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