Why you need a community

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For that lone Christian, who has decided to stay away from the Church. This is a letter to you from the Holy Spirit through me titled “Why you need a community”.

What joy it was to see you as a part of the brethren. Those who’ve committed their lives to loving Jesus and towing the line which Christ laid.

You’re hurt, to say the least. The same people you fellowshipped with and trusted have hurt you. This community you dedicated your life and time to, has dealt you this low blow.

However, you shouldn’t forget, that this same community is also filled with sick people who need Jesus to help them. People who have been hurt, tortured, and bear emotional trauma.

I’m sorry you had to go through such pain. Pain that should never have come in the first place.

You’re furious at this community which you have come to love. Truly, you thought they loved you as well. It’s been sometime since you’ve stepped foot in a church.

For your own good, I write this letter. Yes the church hurt you, it’s not acceptable. However, hurt people only hurt others, till Jesus does help them out. Although, this is not an excuse for bad behaviour.

Your own community is not the entire church. The Bible says that Husbands should love their wives, as Christ loves the church. On days wives hurt their husbands, they may be angry but after some time, they resolve their differences.

why you need a community
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No matter how low the low blow is, let Jesus handle his church. But you, my friend need to find a community. Why take another chance, you ask? One of the tricks the devil utilises is to keep one angry, so you miss out on a lot. That’s why the Bible says to be angry, but don’t sin.

Why do you need a community? Why should you trust that the new church won’t do the same? As you grow with me, you will come to realise that the church is full of people who have been saved but need a mind transformation.

He who has a transformed mind, goes on to become an empowered individual. According to Romans 12:2, those who are transformed by the renewing of their mind, prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Your relationship with me may be blossoming but your need for a community is essential. The only thing anger ever establishes is bitterness. Besides, anger is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Come back, while you can. Find another community but please come back. The Bible records in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 : Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.

Your community will help keep you accountable. You being there, can make an impact in the lives of others. Don’t ever belittle your impact in the community. Come do the work while it is day, because a time is coming when no one can do the Lord’s work.

When the devil comes roaring like a lion, seeking for you to be devoured, what a joy it will be, to see you flanked by your community.

people doing group hand cheer
Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels.com

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