This article is quite different from my usual articles and I will be explaining why in the subsequent paragraphs. I pray you open yourself up to this post I have titled ” The God everyone should know about” .
In my post about being nominated for the Barnabas award, I answered some questions asked about why I started my blog. In this article, I will dwell a little bit more on why I started my blog.
I always thought about writing Evangelical tracts when I found God but it was a side thought. Never did think I would actually do it but God had a different plan for me. I have always wanted others to see God in a new light which is what I am doing today: informing everyone about the God they should know.
Please, I would like to ask that you indulge me today and share with as many as you can.
How I wish
I always wish that God opens the eyes and hearts of people to understand that he’s not the thing they describe when people ask them why they don’t believe in God.
He’s a lot more than the wrong idea they have. If only they will give him a chance to reveal himself to them, maybe then they will sing a new tale.
I will not tell you who God is to just me, I will tell you who God is according to his word (the Bible).
The God who is love
When God created man, he made him in his own image. The best of all his works, you can see this in Genesis 1:26:
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26 NKJV
Even when man erred and God regretted making man in Genesis 6:6, God was still gracious to man. God loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you as a sacrifice for your sins ahead of time. How then can we not say that God loves us ?

The God who knows your every step
If it’s anything, I can boldly say that God is evident in everything I do. He knows my every step even before I take them. The first psalm I learnt besides Psalm 23 as a child is Psalm 121; the psalm reiterates the fact that God will not allow anything happen to you without his knowledge. If nothing can happen to you without his knowledge, how then can you describe the fact that you don’t believe in God?
What are you waiting for?
The Bible tells us to number our days so we can apply wisdom. Whatsoever you are waiting for to happen before you accept God into your life may never come. Who knows if you will wake up tomorrow or even last through the night?
There’s a typical story in the Bible about Lazarus (a poor man) and a Rich man in Luke 16:19-31. Lazarus was so poor he had to wait for the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s plates. They both died and Lazarus made heaven while the rich man went to hell.
At a point in hell, he looked up and saw Lazarus and he asked for water which couldn’t be given to him due to heavenly protocols. He then asked that Lazarus be sent to his brothers to tell them about God else they end up in hell like him. He was convinced that his brothers would only believe if someone from the dead visits them. The final answer he got was:
‘But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ ”’ Luke 16:31
Here’s a friendly reminder that you do not need to wait for anything, just come as you are.

The God who brings rest along with him
For some reason, I always get asked what my magic is in school. One time, I told someone that it was studying really hard but I know it’s untrue. Some times, I can’t even remember the right answer yet I get a good mark. It’s what comes with serving God because his favour and grace are always paving paths you can’t see.
In God, there’s complete rest because he asks you to bring all your burdens to him and he will take care of it.

If you haven’t made God your father just yet, I want you to remember this verse always:

Today, the God everyone needs to know is waiting to receive you. All you need to do is meet with Him in the comfort of your home.

Read the previous article: Gratitude in Growth
8 responses
God is faithful dear Fumi, it’s been a long time missing your write up due to some circumstances beyond my control. I am so glad to hear of God’s blessings on you, His name be magnified. I wish to congratulate you on your recent award recognition ” The Barnabas Award”. Concerning your latest post, don’t be surprised God chooses who to call and when He call He equips. This is why His ways are not our ways. My dear daughter Fumi, God does not work with mighty and hefty but with those with pure heart. And you are such one. Keep the candle burning for it is morning least night come when no one can see. Thanks for your time and love you have for the things of God. Remain flourish.
Mr Akachukwu Jonathan.I
Thank you very much sir! It is true that God does equip those who he calls. I pray that God continues to use us all to spread his word. Thank you also sir for keeping yourself up to date with my blog posts , I truly appreciate it sir.