At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a surge in the utilization of Psalm 91. It was as if people had just discovered it and thought it the best counterattack for COVID. However, one question kept coming up from Psalm 91:1 to me: Who may dwell with God in His secret place?
For a while, my mind pondered on this verse. but I couldn’t find a tangible answer. Nevertheless, I did understand this, that if you pass the test of the first verse, the entire Psalm 91 will apply to you.
Recently, I’ve made a discovery. A life-changing one at that. This person who may dwell with God has been found. In all of their glory and splendour, this is the one who Psalm 91 applies to. Can you take a wild guess of their location? I’ll help you out, it’s Psalm 15.
Psalm 15: Who may dwell with God?
When David asked God in Psalm 15, Who may dwell in your holy hill?, He already knew. The character of this person speaks for itself. All David needed to do, was introduce you and I to this dweller. Shall we begin the examination of character?
Vs. 2 of Psalm 15 says He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. What do you think walking uprightly means? in a way that’s just or legitimate. It’s similar to integrity; doing what you’re supposed to do, even when no one is looking. Being righteous means you’re morally correct. How morally correct are you?
Vs. 3 says He who does not backbite with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend. Are you this person? How well does this verse explain your character?

In vs.4, it says In whose eyes a vile person is despised, But he honors those who fear the Lord; He who swears to his own hurt and does not change. Let’s see the TPT version of the Bible for this verse.
Paraphrasing, it says “You despise evil and evil workers while commending the faithful ones who follow after the truth. You make firm commitments and follow through, even at great cost”. Is this who you are?
The last verse, vs. 5 is thought-provoking. He who does not put out his money at usury, Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved. Usury means to lend money at exorbitant rates. If you lend money to people and collect it at very high rates, you’re not one who may dwell with God. If your character is similar to this, you will not be moved.
Final thoughts
If you’ve reached this point, then you know the character of those who may dwell with God. You even know where you fall short. The Bible is seeking you out now. God’s word doesn’t condemn you, it only asks that you align with these verses.
By design, the next time you say Psalm 91, your mind will recall Psalm 15. In recollection, you remember who may dwell with God and you begin to connect with these verses. May God help you and I to be the people who dwell with Him.

Read the Previous post: Your deepest fear
2 responses
This is so powerful!
As I read it, I was reminded of Travis Greene’s song “Here for you”. He starts the song singing “who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord, who shall stand in His holy place, only those with clean hands and pure hearts, so give us clean hands and pure hearts, you are our desire” ❤️
I love the song so much.
It’s such a powerful emphasis you bring our attention to!
May we be attentive to all of scripture, and not just the parts that favour us.
God bless you Funmi xx
My apologies again, there seems to be a problem with my settings.
I had to go search for the song by Travis Greene (haha).
Amen, Thank you too Rubie!
I hope you are well.
Stay blessed and safe!