Sometime last year, I gave a sermon at my fellowship about “The need for Communication”. During the time spent in the Covid-19 lock-down, I encountered the book of Jude. That encounter inspired “The need to be heard”, it gave me a new outlook on communication. I hope it also gives you a new view of why you should be selective with your words and what you listen to.
In order for me to hear you, you must be speaking. If you aren’t speaking then I can’t hear you or even read your mind. There are a lot of things that go through your mind; things that need to be properly composed for another person to understand. Now, may I ask: Why do you speak?
You may want to pass a point across to the other person, or you just want to make a difference with your voice. Some people speak because they like to be heard by others. They like hearing the sound of their voices.
A lot of us use the voice note feature on our phones to send messages. Have you ever settled down to listen to what you said on the voice notes? I have and it’s quite spectacular how your own voice sounds to you.
What are you saying?
Every one has something to say, what matters is: Do you think before you say it? Does it sound okay to you? Are you going to impact someone’s life positively with your words? As much as we all have a need to be heard, there must be a filter for the words coming out from you and I.
Jude 15-16 speak of different categories of people; Grumblers, complainers who speak big words and flatter people to gain advantage. There are many people on social media called Influencers. They have the job of advertising a certain product or service to their large followings. They also influence the sales of whatever they advertise.
Depending on how trustworthy the Influencer is, the follower actually purchases the advertised product. Although, If the Influencer gives a bad review of a certain product, the followers will not purchase the brand.
That’s just an example of what effect the words you say can have. Are you always complaining or grumbling? Do you speak in anger? I’m not saying you shouldn’t complain, you can complain, but make sure you give some constructive criticism alongside the complaint.
Don’t speak only when you want to get something off your chest, speak life to others. You don’t know where your words will get to or who will hear them.

Speak Life with your Tongue
There are a lot of Bible verses that describe the tongue as having the power to speak life if used rightly. One of such verses is Proverbs 15:1-4; A wholesome tongue is the tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.
Your tongue has the power to break people and how you use it determines everything. If I heard your voice in some place, would I be able to associate the words I hear with the voice?
When I was growing up, someone told me “You’re quite expensive, why can’t you ask for cheaper things?”. Those words in particular followed me everywhere, defining everything I bought. Certainly, It took a while for me to be able to move past them. You know, it took a lot of prayers to forgive and move past it. Your words have lasting effects, it’s like that seed you sow that you’ll reap when you don’t expect.
My Opinion matters
No one in particular ever said your opinions don’t matter. Of course, your opinion matters but how you convey it is what matters.
There are so many ways in which you can subtly disagree with the opinions of others. It’s okay if you don’t see their own point of view but don’t be rude about it. Don’t forget that it’s only an opinion not a nail looking to pierce someone. Be careful where you put it or how you put it.
Speak for others
Everyone has a voice, how and where you use it is your choice. It’s quite important that you speak up for people who can’t speak up for themselves. Will you say it’s not your business? If the same thing happened to your immediate family member, will it be your business then?
Proverbs 31:8-9 says to speak for the speechless, the fatherless and others. Are you currently doing that? Everything you do is like a seed being planted, that will generate some fruit at a later time. Please speak up for people who can’t speak for themselves.
Need to be heard
The Bible says to Guard your hearts for out of it flows the issues of Life in Proverbs 4:23 . Like I mentioned at the beginning of this article, everyone has something to say. What matters is “Why should I listen to them”; If you listened to everyone, you may become saturated with so much information.
You may also want to read “Are you tolerating what is affecting your faith?“
Everyone wants to be heard but only a few are listened to. You should be very picky with what and who you listen to. It’s all a process of guarding your heart. Why are you reading this article? Why did you like that person’s picture?
If your speech or words were to be heard, what difference would it make to the others? You will be heard if you add value to the lives of others. Every word has an effect, will yours be positive or negative?

Read the previous article: Reflections in the midst of a storm
5 responses
Wow .. so many people need to see this !
People just speak to be heard and I’m sure they don’t even realise how they come across.
That’s why at times I don’t like to argue because the other persons heart isn’t open to hearing me. They just want to be right !
I’m trying to be more conscious of using my words to speak life and encourage as well !
This is so good!
And an important reminder 🥺
Thank you Funmi 🙏🏾
Thank you for reading Emma😁
Guarding ones heart is important too
Hence why social media breaks are important.. too many people with too many opinions in one place 😭😭
I recently took a social media break, it was totally worth it. I achieved a lot more than usual. Thank you for reading Emma 😁