At the beginning of the lockdown in 2020, I decided to de-clutter my Facebook account. Yes I still use Facebook; depending on your country, it’s not so popular among young people. At least, it wasn’t popular when I was a teenager. The Irony of life is my declutter experience from Facebook.
Every year, I try to declutter my life and sometimes my social media accounts because why not? Do you ever de-clutter your social media accounts? I find my efficiency is best when everything I need is around me. Same goes for social media, sometimes you grow out of pages you follow or friends you added.
Initially, when I started the declutter process, it was easy; it is fairly easy to remove people you haven’t spoken to in years. The process gets harder when you start contemplating if you want to keep some contacts or not. What I concluded on was to remove contacts I haven’t spoken to in the duration of 6 months to 1 year. That works like magic!
Irony in declutter
As I carried on with the task, it struck me that there were two accounts I couldn’t bring myself to remove. Why? The owners of the account were family and deceased. For some reason, it dawned on me that your social media account will remain here, even after you’re gone. Do you ever think of your deceased family members and the time you spent together?
At that moment, I began to reminisce on the memories and how much closer we could have been. For some reason, I enjoyed the time spent with them but never went the extra mile to seek them out. It was okay to hear from someone else that they are fine or doing well.
While doing a little research, I found this article that explained Irony as “the beautiful element of our lives that makes us truly appreciate a blessing only after being deprived from it!”. Another definition can be “A situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite of a very different result“.
When the Holy Spirit brought this topic to my heart, it took me 7 months to compose these words. I didn’t understand it then but now I do and I want to explain it to you too. Have you ever heard this saying “Make sense on time, while you still have the stage“? I encountered it some time ago.
You have the opportunity to enjoy the time with your family now. You don’t have to wait till they aren’t here anymore before you begin to hold on to them. The irony of life will be that you cherish them more in death than you did in life.

It’s taken me a while to get here but I’m happy for you to learn this now. It doesn’t necessarily relate to only family, you can apply this to every area of your life. Thank you for reading!
Read the previous article: What are your actions saying?
2 responses
A very beautifully and thoughtfully written article! Truly, we must value each moment of our life… because, we don’t know when it might actually become a memory…
And, I’m really elated to know that you liked my blog post on ‘The Irony of Life’ and you considered it worthwhile to include it in your writing… Once again, thanks and your writeup is truly awesome!
Keep writing! Awaiting your next article 😊
Thank you for stopping by as well!