On Monday, my friend and I marked the highlights of our year. Humorously, we were going to forget one of the most important events, our graduation. Today, I began thinking about how these experiences led and are still leading to Jesus.
How? Why? What?
When I started planning my graduation, I had an idea. My family and friends would attend, and we would have a dinner party. Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, that never happened. I never had a graduation.
Not only was I devastated, I had an impression that my family and friends would not understand how I felt. At that time, all I had was Jesus.
Well, He taught me to not attach my joy to events nor how they pan out but to glory alone in Him. This is just one of the many experiences that have led and are still leading me.
As individuals, we all have a role to play in how and where these experiences push us to.

If someone betrayed you and you decided to change your entire character to reflect the hurt, that’s definitely not leading to Jesus. Instead, if you take the situation to Jesus and ask for help on how to deal with it, that’s leading you to Jesus.
Personally, I see these events as leading me to Jesus because of the encounters with Him that spring growth. Definitely, there are instances where people get on your nerves or hurt you and you begin to question if there’s anything there leading to Jesus. Don’t be discouraged, He’s willing to help you out if you bring it to him.
Sometimes, life doesn’t and will not work in the way you mapped out. You may lose out on major events, or even fail. Find rest in knowing that it will lead to Jesus if you take it to him.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 NKJV
The book of Psalms chapter 61:2 says:
From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalms 61:2 NKJV
Today, I want to encourage you to let it all lead to Jesus. No matter the circumstance or weight, it will work out for your good.

Read the previous post: How to speak the truth in love
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