This year has been such a roller coaster of emotions, at least for me. From people speaking the truth however they want, to words being uttered out of context. How to speak the truth in love stems from a place of understanding. Understanding that the truth not spoken in love will not have the effect you want it to. Rather, it will create adverse reactions.
The anchor scripture for this article is Ephesians 4:15: but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—.
For context purposes, Ephesians 4:7-16 documents Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesus church with regard to Spiritual gifts. Vs. 15 comes into play when He speaks about growing in Christ and not being tossed around with doctrines.

Tips on how to speak the truth with love
Is it true, kind and necessary?
If whatever you are about to say doesn’t meet this criteria, don’t say it. It was in High school that I first heard these words and it paid off well.
The point of speaking the truth (as a Christian) is not to nail others to a cross but to encourage them to do better.
Put it into context and help the person understand you.
In the Bible, whenever Jesus spoke the truth to the disciples, He simplified it to their understanding. This was not to say that the disciples were dumb, they only needed the context to put it into perspective.
For all the times you speak the truth in love, never assume that the person understands you. Speak as though the person being spoken to, has no understanding of what you mean to say.
This way, you can explain and help the person understand the context and the truth.
Give tips on how to be better
For every chance you get to speak the truth in love, always help the individual understand how they can do better.
The truth with no room for improvement is not the goal. The goal is to speak the truth with love and assist the individual to be a better version of themselves.
This article isn’t just for me, it’s a way to help you better speak the truth in love.
Thank you for reading! You can share more tips on how to speak the truth in love in the comments.

Read the Previous article: In case you’re unsure, God can fill the void.