This past weekend was Easter. For me and many Christians around the globe, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. He promised that after 3 days, He’d rise again and He did. In all of this, His redeeming love stands out.
Have you ever heard the story about how the woman ate the apple and gave man? Right from the time of the eaten apple, God has been looking to redeem you and I from the clutches of sin.
Looking up redemption in the dictionary, it means the action of saving from sin, error or evil. Can you connect the dots? In my mind, to save from sin, you should not be a partaker in sin.
That’s why Jesus came. His conception was inspired by the Holy Spirit, he had zero connection to sin. Sin had been passed through generations from Adam’s time. If Jesus had been the seed of a man, he’d have sin automatically.
Do you know that Jesus had to know sin for your sake? How? He bore all of your sin and mine on His person.
For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
This Jesus came when you didn’t know you needed salvation nor redemption. Even if you still don’t know it, Jesus came and knew sin for you. (Romans 5:6-8) Why would He do that?

The Mediator: Reconciliation
John 3:16 says that For God so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son, that when you believe in Him, you should not perish but have everlasting life. (Paraphrased by me).
Initially, sin created a rift in the relationship between us and God. To mend the rift, Jesus came to reconcile you and I to the Father. Google defines reconciliation as the restoration of friendly relationships.
For reconciliation to happen, Jesus had to mediate a new Covenant. The previous covenant was not enough to reconcile you and I to God. This mediation involved Jesus knowing sin and laying down His life.
For you to understand better, I’ll share this scenario I penned down a year ago:
Let’s imagine it in this way, God was on one side of the table, and we on the other side of the round table. Jesus left everything to direct this conversation. He not only directed, but also participated and eventually lay down his life. He didn’t belong to any of the erred parties, but He did what was necessary to bring peace. That’s who Jesus is.
Trails of His redeeming love
Recently, Jesus reminded me of His redeeming love. No matter how many times you try to avoid or ignore it, the love is continually available.
Today, I’d like to remind you that God’s redeeming love is here for you. Just like in the book of Hosea, where God told Prophet Hosea to marry Gomer, the prostitute. Although Gomer kept going back to prostitution, God would tell Hosea to take her back countless times.
In the end, Gomer was shown the redeeming love of God and restoration came. In like manner, Jesus’ death and resurrection signifies the redeeming love of God. Even in sin, God loves you enough to give up His son, so you can experience reconciliation (restoration).
Even if you believe you’re the worst sinner and condemnation is your portion, Jesus paid the price already. No one is too big or too small to be shown the redeeming love of God. He wants you, all of you.
As I reminisce on Easter, this is the pattern I see: Sin -> Forgiveness -> Reconciliation -> Restoration.
His redeeming love paid the price already. All you need do is accept and acknowledge it. The real question now is: Are you willing to accept it?
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 NKJV

Want to know more about Jesus? Read this. Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends, loved ones and those yet to know Jesus.
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