Faith Check: Are you a committed believer?

a close up shot of silver wedding rings on a crumpled paper
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Am I a committed believer? At some point in our Christian journey, you & I must ask ourselves this question. Why? Because anyone can claim to be a Christian. Undoubtedly, when you begin to question yourself, you’ll find the truth on your commitment level.

There’s a story in the Bible I’d like to share with you. You can find it in John 2:23-25 AMP:

Now, when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover feast, many believed in His name [identifying themselves with Him] after seeing His signs (attesting miracles), which He was doing. 24. But Jesus, for His part, did not entrust Himself to them because He knew all people [and understood the superficiality and fickleness of human nature], 25. and He did not need anyone to testify concerning man [and human nature], for He Himself knew what was in man [in their hearts—in the very core of their being].

Feel free to reference other Bible versions for this verse.

From this Bible verse, you can see that many began to identify with Jesus after seeing the miracles He performed. Notwithstanding, Jesus didn’t commit to them because He knew their hearts; they were with Him only because of the miracles.

Perhaps you’ve always been around Church, and it has become one of the many routines you have? Maybe someone in your family experienced a miracle, and you decided to try Jesus?

I don’t know the category you may fall under, but I know this for sure: If you’re not committed, Jesus won’t commit to you.

Who then is a committed believer?

The committed believer

Growing up, I attended a few weddings, and I watched a lot of movies where the couple read out their vows to everyone’s hearing. Those vows – to have and to hold forever, etc. – emphasized the utmost commitment they pledge to each other.

Similarly, this is the kind of commitment you and I should have with Christ. One as unto a marriage. Even when the going gets tough, you don’t deny Jesus. You stick through. That is the kind of commitment Christ expects of us.

The key characteristics of a committed believer are these:

  • You live for Christ

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 TPT puts it in this way: For it is Christ’s love that fuels your passion and holds you tightly, because you are convinced that he has given his life for you. This means you died with him, 15. so that you who live should no longer live self-absorbed lives but lives that are poured out for him—the one who died for you and now lives again. (Paraphrased by me)

  • You put in the effort to seek Christ

Without a doubt, Matthew 5:1-2 alludes to the same multitude in John 2:23-25 (referenced earlier). Matthew 5:1-2 MSG says:

When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions.

How do you practically live for and seek Christ?

While reading my Bible, I came across Colossians 3:1-17, which is no doubt a great starting point for a committed believer.

Please take out some time to read Colossians 3:1-17 in the MSG – Message – version. Here’s an excerpt:

So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.
Colossians 3:1‭-‬2 MSG

Thank you for reading! Keeping myself accountable: I couldn’t meet up with my writing schedule – articles every thursday – this month. For this, I apologise!

a close up shot of silver wedding rings on a crumpled paper
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on

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Thank you for reading – Funmi

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Faith Check: Are you a committed believer? Am I a committed believer? At some point in our Christian journey, you & I must ask ourselves this question. Why? Because anyone can claim to be a Christian. Undoubtedly, when you begin to question yourself, you’ll find the truth on your commitment level. There’s a story in the Bible I’d like to share with […]
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