Clarification on the blog’s journey and vision

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Welcome to Funmi’s Musings! I’m Funmi and I play the role of the author on this blog. Today’s article seeks to clarify the why of the blog. Taking you through the journey and expanding on what this blog aims to achieve.

Back in September 2022, I took time to list my why for this blog. Although I’ve shared this in previous articles, I hope this will be the most transparent article for the existence of the blog.

The first step on the blog journey

In December 2018, during the crossover service from December 31st to January 1st, God planted Luke 13:6-9 in my heart. Only knowing that God had called me to write, the research process began. What platform do I use? How do I go about this? Will people actually read these articles? What will be the name?

There’s only so much uncertainty the human mind can work with. That’s where trusting God comes in, He gives you information as you progress. It reminds me a lot of Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV

After finding the hosting provider, a domain name needs to be registered. “Funmi’s Musings” That’s exactly what I heard in my Spirit. You know what’s funny, I didn’t even know the meaning of musings.

Musings: your thoughts or comments on something you have been thinking about carefully and for a long time. (Source: Cambridge Dictionary )

Evolving as you see

Since January 2019 till now, there has been over 100 articles. Did I foresee that I’d have so many thoughts written out? Certainly not!

As I learn more about the character of God and myself, the blog evolves. Some part has been shared here, while others have not been written on.

The more I write, the more I wonder the appropriate level of vulnerability. On some days, it’s sharing the lessons I’ve come to learn. Whereas on other days, it’s putting myself out of my comfort zone.

To fulfill the assignment God has given to me, this is the balance I’ve assumed: Sharing as need be and using the word of God.

The blog’s mission and vision

Dare to Grow. Until 2021, there was no tagline championing the blog’s purpose. Well, the website designer said I needed a tagline and He came up with that in line with Luke 13:6-9.

In September, I found the creator statement for this blog. Every article I write should focus on it. What is it?

Building an encouragement space for people to help them grow and realize their God-given potential by writing about my experience/journey in a world where people have come to ignore God and His power.


While the tagline focuses on this, this statement clarifies the why of the blog and what should be achieved.

Moving forward, I’d like for this statement to help guide the blog. Will there be days I’ll miss it? I hope not. In the end, this blog is for God’s glory, your learning (& mine) and my sharing.

Thank you for always reading and following the blog.

The why of the blog and how to achieve it
The blog’s anchor scripture

Read Previous post: Liberty in the Spirit of the Lord

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Clarification on the blog’s journey and vision Welcome to Funmi’s Musings! I’m Funmi and I play the role of the author on this blog. Today’s article seeks to clarify the why of the blog. Taking you through the journey and expanding on what this blog aims to achieve. Back in September 2022, I took time to list my why for this blog. […]
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2 responses

  1. Anytime I read your blog It’s open my eyes and mind to different things I can’t really figure out. Musings meaning was well explained, the Mission and visions spent out. Thank God for the leading of the Holy Spirit 🙏

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