Hello Everyone! In this article, you and I will be evaluating our beliefs. Why do you believe in God? If you don’t, why not?
If I walked up to you with the question, “Why do you believe in God?” What will be your response? Be spontaneous, no time to think.
Here are my own responses:
My first reason is while I was yet unformed, God gave His son, Jesus Christ to die for me. In circumspect, the love of God gave me salvation, when I didn’t know I needed it. (Romans 5:8)
Coincidentally, my second reason is related to love. In my darkest times, the love of God has drawn me out. Mind you, no one can get enough of it.

Additionally, I believe in God because I can’t do this life journey with my strength. Time and again, my strength has shown that I need God. God doesn’t need me to do anything, just be childlike. Carefree, Gullible and Trusting. (Matthew 18:3)
Typically, it’s difficult to be childlike because the society expects “maturity” from you and I. However, God loves to the point where we become childlike.
After listening to Nabeel Qureshi’s testimony, I better understand that knowing your why is important. Do you believe because someone told you to? Or perhaps you can get certain things from God, only when you believe? Ultimately, your heart is an open book before God.
Certainly, this isn’t a call to condemn you or for you to take my reasons as yours. On the contrary, this is for you to know exactly why you believe in God.
Now, it’s your turn, why do you believe in God? If you don’t, why not?

Read the previous article here: Similar yet Different ; Link to Nabeel Qureshi’s testimony
Photo by energepic.com on Pexels.com
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