Hi Readers! It’s Funmi here again with another topic: Why do Christians limit themselves? This article aims to ponder on the reason Christians limit themselves to certain paths in life.
Recently, I tried Karaoke for the first time at my team’s end of the year party. After hearing a lot about Karaoke, my team mate prompted me to participate with her. In the end, I enjoyed it so much, I began to wonder why I hadn’t done it earlier.
Most Karaoke lists only have worldly songs, I thought. Such a lie! Earlier, I found some Christian songs and songs with good lyrics on the list.
In the minds of many Christians -myself included-, there’s a box to fit into. Please note that I’m not asking Christians to participate in or even encourage things that the Bible says to not do.
What I wish to say is that the Bible asks you and I to dominate and subdue all of the earth in Genesis 1:28. Why have we chosen to fit into certain parts and ignore the others?
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Genesis 1:28 NKJV
Dominate: to exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on. (Source: Merriam Webster)
Subdue: to get control of (something, such as a strong emotion) (Source: Britannica)
What happens when Christians limit themselves
By limiting yourself to the status quo, you don’t get to control or influence the earth. At least, the way God planned for you.
My dear readers, I believe that when we realize who God has called us to be, we won’t let people tell us where or what we can be. Instead, with the Spirit of God guiding us, we’ll begin to dominate and subdue the earth.
Am I trying to motivate you? No! Just sharing the truth of God’s word. Even as you come to this reality, there’s work to be done. Work on your character, value, and skill. May God help us and give us the strength we need to work!
Thank you for reading!

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