New year, New you? Happy New year everyone ❤️. May this year bring amazing blessings and growth from God. With every new year comes some determination to be so much better. And I’d like to ask, Where are you now?
Statistics show that only 9% of those who set new year resolutions see it to completion. There’s nothing wrong with setting resolutions as long as you factor in your present location.
What does your present location look like? Did you take inventory of the previous year? Do you go on a retreat to see God’s direction for the new year? Have you considered the areas of your life you aren’t doing well in?
The aim of this article is to help you assess your current situation and do better. The Bible records in Luke 14:28:
For who would construct a house before first sitting down to estimate the cost to complete it?
Luke 14:28 TPT
In context, the verse refers to counting your costs before following Jesus. However, we’ll use it in a slightly different way in this article.
Do you know why many people never reach their set resolutions? They never answered the question “Where are you now?”. Assuming they do or did, they’ll adapt the resolutions to work with their current location/situation.
Now, those goals you set, did you adapt them to your present situation yet? If you haven’t, this is a timely reminder to do so.
As an example, assuming your goal is to eat healthy and you have no time to cook during the week; the best way to achieve this is to meal prep during the weekend. It’ll certainly take some effort but you’ll achieve your goal.
Where are you now in your Christian journey?
Another aspect I’d like to consider in this article pertains to the fruits of a Christian life. Where are you now in your Christian Journey? Are you becoming more like Christ and producing fruits?
Does your current location help you in your walk with God? Or it pushes you farther from God? Over the course of the year, I’ll be writing on how to get closer to God and become the best version God wants you to be.
Until then, please take some time to answer the question ” Where are you now?” life wise & in your walk with God. Afterwards, adapt your goals to your present situation.
Finally, God loves you but He needs us to do better this year. P.S: If you have no goals or you aren’t sure where to start from, read this article.

Thank you for reading! – Funmi