What role does knowledge play in Christianity?

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In April, while I studied the book of 2 Timothy, one particular verse stuck out to me. The verse is the foundation of this article; Apostle Paul declaring the role of knowledge in his belief in Christ. Using this verse and the help of other verses in the Bible, you’ll see the role of knowledge in Christianity.

Sincerely speaking, I believe you and I can say that we have some form of knowledge. Although, if you were to explain it to someone else, how would you explain it ?

Imagine you’re in a crowd and no one knows what’s going on, suddenly, someone steps in and tells you specifically what is happening. You have just received knowledge even though you can’t say if it’s true or not. You can say that knowledge is like a glimpse of light in the midst of darkness.

If knowledge is a light, then the darkness surrounding it is ignorance. In 2 Timothy 1:12, Apostle Paul tells Timothy that:

For this reason, I also suffer these things; nevertheless, I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.’ II Timothy 1:12

Paul had an understanding of whom he believed in , He knew what he was going into and experienced it first hand. In the midst of all the uncertainty around, He had knowledge to guide him. What exactly was this knowledge he had?

What knowledge do I need ?

How vast is your knowledge of God? You may not notice because you are comfortable where you are but what exactly do you know about God? Asides the basics everyone knows, do you seek to know more about Him?

You need to know God personally, not inside a church or in a gathering. Asides this, to know God is to be foolish to the unbelievers, are you ready for that?

‘For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.I Corinthians 1:18

Paul did not align with the common man, he seemed foolish to every unbeliever. Of course, it wasn’t easy for him but he was willing to stake it all for Christ. There are depths of knowledge you attain as you get to know Christ.

In the stages of getting a degree, you get the BSc. degree first, then the Masters’ degree. The last degree you get is a P.H.D because the depth of knowledge differs according to the levels. It works the same way with the knowledge of Christ, How far are you willing to go? A P.H.D? It’s up to you.

The role of knowledge in Christianity
Pinterest image

Where are you getting your knowledge from?

If you refer to the image above, you’ll see a puzzle of knowledge. The puzzle will be my reference for this section of the article. When God created the world, He took us in stages through it all and gave you and I a documented copy (manual) to follow through.

The copy contains the history of our forefathers, the knowledge acquired and errors committed. It doesn’t omit the achievements either, now we called it the Bible. The heart of the maker!

Afterwards, you and I come into the picture as consumers of the product. The product is having life. When you get the product, the first thing you should check is the manual right? Do you check it? When you use the product half-way, you remember there’s an actual manual to help you use it.

Right now, there’s a product you’re under utilising because you didn’t read the manual. If you don’t read the manual of the puzzle pack, how do you know where the pieces should go? If you don’t read your Bible, how do you determine what to do and how to use it?

The puzzle piece called Man stands for someone who’s on a higher level who you may get knowledge from like your Pastor. In like manner, Man reads the Bible and spends time with God. Although, He may spend more time sometimes.

Where you get your knowledge from is solely dependent on you. There are 3 mediums that are in use: Approach God directly (Prayer), Read the manual (Bible) and Rely on your Pastor. I suggest you don’t rely on just one but all 3 mediums.

What role does knowledge play?

Informed Decisions: Can you imagine the role of knowledge in the life of someone who decides to give their life to Jesus? When you have knowledge about something, you can make an informed decision.

When Paul decided to embark on the Christian race, he was aware of the trials to come. He made a decision to continue in spite of the obstacles ahead. He didn’t start the race before being told there would be obstacles.

The trajectory of your life may change if you don’t have enough knowledge, and you make an uninformed decision. In Christianity, knowledge plays the biggest role in all the decisions you make.

How much knowledge are you willing to seek from God? How informed are you? Are you willing to be informed?

‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.’ Hosea 4:6

N.B: I didn’t want this article to be too long, which is why there will be a second part. This is the link for the 2nd part: Can knowledge be good or bad?

Read the previous article: Dying to flesh: The principle for rebirth in God

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