What are you adorning yourself with?

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Some weeks ago, I was led to read the book of 1 Peter. The way I read is to take a chapter per day and focus on it. As I got to chapter 3, verses 3-4 caught my attention. I couldn’t but ask myself: Funmi, what are you adorning yourself with?

In 1 Peter 3:3-4 NKJV, the Bible says Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.

Similarly, the Passion Translation version says: Let your true beauty come from your inner personality, not a focus on the external. For lasting beauty comes from a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is precious in God’s sight and is much more important than the outward adornment of elaborate hair, jewelry, and fine clothes.

Currently, a lot of emphasis is being placed on the outward appearance, than the state of what’s inside. Certainly, I’m not saying to look shabby and the state of your heart is good. Or for you to look exquisite and the state of your heart is quite the opposite.

Rather, there should be a balance that you look exquisite and your heart is right with God.

Right now, what are you adorning yourself with? Is there more focus on dressing to please, and forgetting to make your heart and spirit right with God?

Since the day I found this verse, my prayer has been for God to fill me up from the inside. That’s my prayer for you too.

What are you adorning yourself with?

Here’s a song I’ve been listening to, I hope it speaks to you. Let Praises Rise by Miranda Curtis

Read the Previous post: Surviving turbulent times as a Christian

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What are you adorning yourself with? Some weeks ago, I was led to read the book of 1 Peter. The way I read is to take a chapter per day and focus on it. As I got to chapter 3, verses 3-4 caught my attention. I couldn’t but ask myself: Funmi, what are you adorning yourself with? In 1 Peter 3:3-4 […]
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2 responses

  1. Such an important reminder! Especially in our social media generation, it’s so important to reflect and remember what God finds valuable. Will be praying for that as well, great post😊

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