Walk by Faith not by sight

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About two weeks ago, my younger sister and I were speaking about the happenings in the world. During the conversation, I realized I’d judged based on what I could see. In that moment, I felt bad and my sister reminded me that God has forgiven me. However, I need to walk by faith not by sight.

A lot of us are guilty of judging based on what we see. The focus however, should be on the fact that you can’t see all that’s happening. The media or news outlets will always give you news based on what they see. You must make the conscious decision daily to understand outside of what you see.

There’s a song I learnt in High school that says:

“I walk by faith, and not by sight. If things go wrong it will be alright, cause I’ve got someone greater watching over me. My God cares too much to say, His mercies are new everyday. I get down to pray and then help is on it’s way.”

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While coming to terms with this revived knowledge, Life threw another daring experience my way. Do you ever feel unprepared for a situation, even though you are knowledgeable? That’s exactly how I felt.

At work, the person who requests things for the team wasn’t around, but I urgently needed some access in order to meet an imminent deadline. So, my supervisor asked if I could try to request it myself. This was my first time trying it but I reasoned that I couldn’t do so much harm. Let’s say, it was a daunting task.

Although I’d followed all the steps, it didn’t look right. Brethren, it was unsettling because I didn’t want to let my supervisor down. So, I told myself that if it doesn’t work out, I’ll try it again. After work, I kept dwelling on how I potentially did the wrong thing. When it got to a stage, I decided to dwell on the walk by faith and not by sight phrase.

Over the course of the next day, I was nervous because if it didn’t work, it would be a waste of time. To my amazement, not only did I get the access, I was able to meet the deadline. Through out the phase of being worried, my spirit kept telling me that I walk by faith not by sight. However, my mind couldn’t accept that.

What am I saying in essence? The next time you see something and it’s not what God is saying to you, don’t accept it. You walk by faith, not by sight, nothing can steal that from you. The world will try to make you see things the way they think it should be, but you walk by faith.

In my article about Faith, I mentioned that Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Can you see how different faith and sight are? Faith needs you to believe the unseen, while Sight needs you to see to believe. Therefore, disagree with anything and everything that doesn’t align with your faith.

2 Corinthians 5:7 says that “For we walk by faith, not by sight”. This is the assurance as Christians, knowing that we walk in line with the word. When push comes to shove, don’t forget to “Walk by faith not by sight”.

man walking on floor
Photo by Bob Price on Pexels.com

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Walk by Faith not by sight About two weeks ago, my younger sister and I were speaking about the happenings in the world. During the conversation, I realized I’d judged based on what I could see. In that moment, I felt bad and my sister reminded me that God has forgiven me. However, I need to walk by faith not by […]
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