The little things that influence

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There was a time I thought you could let everything in and just filter through it. Like your mind would create a filter saying, “I want to keep this,” or “No, let’s throw that out.” Now, it’s laughable because not only will your mind not filter it, it will even act on those things you don’t want to keep. How cognizant are you of the little things that influence you?

Since this year began, I’ve been living in the reality of how the little things influence me. Someone says something a certain way, I find myself speaking the exact same way at a later time. How about the social media posts I consume? The music I listen to? I’m sure you get the point.

It’s no longer a question of “Will this influence me?” It’s now a “When will I begin to notice its influence on me?” question.

In this article, I’d like to highlight 2 Bible stories of those who got influenced wrongly.

Biblical Examples

Ahab: God in 1 Kings 21:25, mentioned that Ahab was influenced by Jezebel to do wickedly. This was Ahab’s wife – the closest person to him on Earth – who influenced him. In reading the story of Ahab and Jezebel, you’ll find that Jezebel was the wicked one; She only influenced Ahab.

But there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in the sight of the Lord because Jezebel, his wife, stirred him up.
I Kings 21:25 NKJV

Rehoboam: This was Solomon’s son. Solomon, the wisest man on earth, who kept a good advisory board that Rehoboam could have leveraged.

From 2 Chronicles 10:4-11, you’ll see how the people ask for a lenient king. And Rehoboam, goes on to seek counsel from his Father’s advisors. Not only did Rehoboam waste their time by not taking their advice, but he also went on with wicked advice from his friends.

Although God had caused it to play out this way, based on the earlier promise to Jeroboam, the people around him enabled it to be so.

In reading these stories, I found that those you keep around will always influence you negatively or positively. It also begs the question of “Who are you keeping around you?“.

How can you control the little things that influence you?

Weeds are undesirable and unwanted, but they still show up. (Source: Wikipedia)

On that note, I’d like to call this a weed control segment because there will always be undesired influence. The good news is that you can determine what to do when they show up.

The first step is to know what you are sowingYour identity in Christ – :

  • Do you know who God is and who you are in Him?
  • Is your lifestyle pushing you closer to God? Even the music you listen to and the friends you keep?

Once you’ve determined that, the next step should be to build clear boundaries and solid standards. When everyone knows what you stand for and what you allow, they won’t suggest things that you don’t allow.

Even when they suggest things outside these, you should stand firm on your standards.

The third and final step is to do a deep clean in your life, on your social media, music platforms, and streaming sites. If you find that something will create a different atmosphere than your defined boundaries and standards, do away with it. You’ll survive without it, don’t worry.

I’ll leave you with this verse: Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23 NKJV

If you’ve got any addition how to control what influences one, please share in the comments.

little things that influence; person holding a green plant
Photo by Akil Mazumder on

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Thank you for reading – Funmi

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The little things that influence There was a time I thought you could let everything in and just filter through it. Like your mind would create a filter saying, “I want to keep this,” or “No, let’s throw that out.” Now, it’s laughable because not only will your mind not filter it, it will even act on those things you […]
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