Dear Reader, Merry Christmas! This year, we’ll go through the fond memories. How was it like as a child? What are the fond memories you have of Christmas?
Tomatoes. As a child, most years, my nuclear family and I would journey to Lagos from where we lived in Nigeria. Christmas mornings were dedicated to the maternal side and the afternoons to the paternal side.
My paternal Grandma, God rest her soul, would wait for us before she begins the preparation of the Christmas jollof rice. It was such a great bonding experience.
One Christmas day, I remember my Grandma eating raw tomatoes. I’d never seen that and I couldn’t understand how she could eat it uncooked. Now, I love eating cherry tomatoes, so I can understand.
There are many more fond memories of Christmas. However, I’ll only share this one. You can add yours in the comments, if you want.
This Christmas, I hope you spend some quality time with your family and show the love of Christ to each other. And others too!
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy new year in advance.

In case you’re looking for something more on Christmas, you can read this article.
2 responses
Merry Christmas 💫
I hope this Christmas was an amazing one for you !
Emma, Merry Christmas in arrears ❤️
Well, I had an amazing Christmas, Thank you!
You’ve been on my mind for a while. Glad to see you here, looking forward to hearing from you.