As I rode past a bus stop during the course of last week, something unusual happened to me. Truly, I was kind of suprised at how accurately I had translated Hungarian words into English without the help of Google translate(my known friend in Hungary). What was it really: A poster with the words “A döntes” meaning The decision in English.
For some reason unknown to me, It kept resonating in my spirit. Eventually, I decided to make a blog post which you are reading now about those words.
In light of our title, you and I need to delve into the meaning of decision: a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration. Choice also came to mind with me linking them as synonymous. For the purpose of understanding, I’ll split the post into sub-headings for clarity.
The poster: Faced with decision making on all sides
When I actually saw the poster, I started reminiscing on the past decisions I had made and what I could learn from it. Looking past all the good and bad lessons, I found one thing in common: You and I are faced with making decisions at every hour of the day.
In order to make a choice, you take a risk no matter how little or big it is.
For every choice you have made, there has been a lesson to learn. Of course, we all try to make informed decisions which doesn’t always go as planned. You do not stop making decisions due to one awry decision, you keep at it and learn from the mistakes.
The Teacher who took a risk
This happened a few months ago and I did want to share but I couldn’t find a use for it until now.
During a test I took earlier in the year, My teacher made an announcement I haven’t heard before in a class. He took a risk to tell a classroom full of students belonging to various religions about Jesus Christ.
Truth be told, I felt hot, restless and amazed by him. Forgetting all, he made a decision that could have adversely impacted him.
If you were in his shoes, would you be able to do it?
The God who chose you
Slowly, I have been building up the issue of decision, choice and risk. It all boils down to this:
‘You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. ‘ John 15:16
Although he knows the end from the beginning, Christ has taken a risk to choose you. He knows that some will stay and the others will stray.
One thing that appeals to me and should to you is that: you were chosen irregardless of who you are or what your background is.
He didn’t choose everyone but he has chosen you. Whatever he saw in you fits the description he wants and you need to put it to use.
You now have a clean slate to write a unique story, what story will you write with this opportunity?
The informed decision
Choosing Christ means you will take a risk : It won’t be all easy but he has promised to help you through it. He has given you the necessary information:
‘If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. ‘ John 15:19
‘“But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.’ John 15:26-27
‘“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. ‘ John 16:1
In like manner, there is a Bible (God’s word) to lead you, his presence to overshadow you and his words and promises which he will keep.
The ball sits within your court awaiting your decision. Will you make an informed decision to choose Christ today or not?

Read Previous article here: 3 Keys to understanding God’s word: Your guide to reading the Bible
2 responses
Loved this so much, thanks for sharing, I just nominated you for the Barnabas Award in my last blog post, you should check it out xx
Such an important message … we make choices all the time and it’s also up to us to include Jesus in those choices !!.. He already chose us and He’s waiting for us to choose Him ! 💯