I was nominated by Emma from Blog with Em for the Outstanding Blogger Award. I started reading Emma’s articles last year, and I actually can never get enough of them. Can I tell you a little story before I continue?
In the evening of Sunday 14th June, I remember feeling sad. I was telling God that I’ve been doing all he asked me to but I wasn’t sure it was making an impact on people. In turn, God spoke to me and said that it was, even if I couldn’t see it; He said to be patient and watch.
2 days later, Emma nominated me for this award. Sometimes, the results may not be clear as daylight but it will always show later on. Thank you Emma for the nomination!
Rules of the award
1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)
2. Answer the questions provided.
3. Create 7 unique questions.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the awards’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!
This award was created by https://coltonbeckwithrpc.wordpress.com/
You can find Emma’s original post here !!
Answers to Emma’s Questions
1. What is the biggest fear you have ever had to overcome?
Thinking about it now, I’d say my fear of leaving my comfort zone. I love my space so much, if there’s anything taking me out of my space, it must be very important. Over the last 2 years, I started a blog, created an Instagram account and tried new experiences. For you it may be normal, for me it’s leaving my comfort.
2. What is that one nickname that you absolutely hate?
Usually, I’m the person that gives nicknames. Although the one “nickname” I can tell you I dislike is “Madam”; Guys use it a lot for some reason and it doesn’t make sense to me cause I have a name and many nicknames.
3. Who was your childhood celebrity obsession and why?
Unfortunately, I cannot answer this one; my memory doesn’t recall so much about my childhood. If I ever had one, it may have been Justin Bieber. Just like so many little girls, I had a huge crush on him.
4. Which cartoon character in any animation do you relate to the most?
This is quite hard for me but my sister helped me out. Power-puff girls (a mix of bubbles and blossom) because Bubbles is happy go lucky, bubbly and capable of making conversations. While Blossom is very orderly and I can relate to both characters.
5. What is the biggest misconception that people have about you ?
A big misconception a lot of people have about me is that I’m always happy cause there’s a smile on my face. You know, a smile doesn’t mean I’m happy, it’s just a front.
6. How would you define love?
Love is God and God is love, If you have God, you have love.
7. What’s your favourite food ?
I’m neutral when it comes to food, I eat every and anything except seafood and mushrooms. Essentially, every meal I cook is good enough to be my favourite and I love cooking.
My questions for my nominees
- What would you do if someone told you they knew that what they’re doing is wrong but still continue?
- How did you utilize (or are you utilizing) your single period?
- How do you deal with attention or the lack of it?
- What’s the inspiration for your articles?
- What do you do when you aren’t writing?
- If you could tell your younger self something, what would it be?
- How do you evaluate your growth spiritually?
The Nominees
I could only come up with 3 bloggers. If you know any blogger who would like to be nominated for this award, please let me know and I’ll officially nominate them.
If you are young and willing to learn from someone who asks all the questions you aren’t asking, check out http://21stcenturyjesusjunkie.blogspot.com/. I’d love to nominate her, although I’m unsure if the award is limited to WordPress blogs or not.
Thank you for reading!! Have you checked out the previous article I wrote?

Read the previous article: Disobedience comes with consequences
4 responses
Well done Sis!!
Thank you ❤️❤️