Similar, yet different

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Do you ever get this feeling that you’ll meet someone like you? Perhaps, not in looks but in character and personality. Well, I did! After the first few conversations, I was left wondering: How can we be similar, yet different?

As the year progresses, the similarities come up left, right and centre. Now, it’s me and God in this conversation, trying to understand why this person is similar to me.

You know what? In the midst of confusing similarity, God gives clarity. On this blessed day, I recall speaking about movies and how series aren’t my thing. Coincidentally, you declare your love for series. Herein, we have our first difference.

The differences are not what I can’t deal with. However, we don’t agree on them. The first conversation about our differences ends up with one party being upset. Well, did you see that coming?

Meanwhile, the second difference almost ruined your year. It was not what was said, but how it was said. You can read How to speak the truth in love, here. My mind is thinking What’s happening? I thought we were similar.

For so long, we both live with being similar, we forget the differences. When the differences come up, we don’t know how to handle it. Why? We never learnt to handle it.

Finally, if you ever find yourself in this situation, handle the differences first. Once sorted, the similarities will fall in place.

P.S: If the difference is a non-negotiable for you, don’t try to use your similarity to make it go away.

similar yet different
Similar function, different use case

Thank you for reading! This is a new writing style I decided to try out. I hope you liked it and got the message. Previous Article: No time to waste

Photo by Jill Burrow on

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