While it’s been some time since I put words into sentences for a blog post, it’s currently 4:05 am on a Tuesday morning, why not try?
Today’s article is a progress check since I’ve been off here for quite some time.
How are you?
After the last article in May, I couldn’t write. Essentially, I felt my mind was all over the place. Notwithstanding, I looked towards a perfect return point to publish an article. Since the article isn’t dated 1st August, then you sure know I never found it. Progress, not perfection.
In my time off from the blog, I finished reading what I’d call my answered prayer. Spiritual Exercises – the basic lessons of Practical Christianity Living. Well, it only took me about 7 months to finish reading and summarize it. Looking forward to sharing the summary with you in the coming weeks.
Once upon a time, I thought only a few people could evangelize well. Honestly, are people willing to give you their attention? Turns out they are. On a Sunday in June, a couple of friends and I made our way towards the train station in Budapest. Technically, our mission was to tell everyone we meet or, in this case, approach the Gospel of Jesus.
Frankly, I was encouraged by their reception of the Gospel and their willingness to listen. God wanted me to see and you to read that many hearts yearn for Him. All you and I need to do is to tell them about Jesus. If you and I choose to remain quiet, then someone has been denied an opportunity to salvation.
If you’re reading and you don’t know the Gospel I write about, here it is:
‘ For I passed on to you first of all what I also had received, that Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for our sins in accordance with [what] the Scriptures [foretold], [Isa. 53:5-12.] That He was buried, that He arose on the third day as the Scriptures foretold, [Ps. 16:9, 10.]’ 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
There are so many articles on my heart for the blog. However, I’ll stop here for now. Thanks for sticking with me and reading my check-in. I appreciate your patience.
Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be sharing about the Gospel and how it influences every sphere of your life as a believer. Beyond that, this girl is fine and happy to be back.
Thank you for reading – Funmi

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