While reading the book of Romans, I outlined quite a few verses we shall be pondering on. Because I lost myself and underlined almost every verse in Romans, we’ll split them into three sub-topics.
They are as follows: Admonition to the believers, Faith, and Law & Sin. Starting from A, Admonition to the believers.
Admonition to the believers
Chapter 1 & 2
In the first paragraphs that Apostle Paul wrote, he mentioned his unashamedness of the Gospel of Christ. For reference, see Romans 1:16 . While pondering, I asked myself, Am I ashamed of Christ’s Gospel?
In the world we live in today, there’s a tendency to want to hide your beliefs. Especially if you want to fit in. What is that area of your life where you are hiding Jesus? Apostle Paul speaks to you today and asks, Are you ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?
Admonition in some parts of the article refer to the imparting of knowledge. In some others, it is a stern warning. Source: Word hippo
As we see the boldness of the ungodly and the unrighteous rise, Romans 1:18 and below encourages us to take a stand. Specifically in vs. 24-27, the instance of creatures being worshiped over the creator is sited. Also, Homosexuality (Sexual perversion) is mentioned.
The first thought for most of us is to point a finger to who’s doing wrong. However for this portion, I want you to evaluate your stance first. Only afterwards, are you allowed to point fingers.
Clearly, vs 32 states that those who practice or approve such behaviours will incur the judgement of God. What are such behaviours here? See Romans 1:29-31 for reference. Deceit, Homosexuality, Idolatry, Strife and all those other things will judged by God.
It’s important to note that God loves us all. Chapter 2:11 documents that with Him, is no partiality. The choices you make will determine your journey with Him. You have free will, use it wisely.
Chapter 8
Who is a son? More importantly, who is a son (child) of God? Chapter 8:14 helps us understand that a child of God is not one who goes to Church or behaves in a Christian manner. Instead, a child of God is one who is led by the Spirit of God. Are you a child of God?
vs.29-30 highlights a unique pattern of those called according to God’s purpose: Foreknowledge ->Predestination ->Calling ->Justification ->Glorification. Does this look familiar to you?
Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God. Oh it chases me down, fights till I’m found, leaves the 99. I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still you give yourself away. These are lines from the song, Reckless love. Nothing can and will separate you from the love of God (8:37-39).
Chapter 12
For you to offer a sacrifice, you have to surrender that item. When Chapter 12:1-2 asks that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, it speaks of surrender. Are you willing to surrender your everything to God?
Vs. 2 specifically asks that you and I shouldn’t conform to the world’s standards. Instead, be transformed by renewing our minds. Is your mind renewed? Have you heeded the advice of not conforming? For renewal to happen, the Holy Spirit has to step in to help.
The goal is to look more like Jesus in deed, words and thoughts. Does this resonate with you?
By the end of Chapter 12, Apostle Paul had outlined the behaviour of a Christian. Leaving us with this advice, he asks that we overcome evil with good.
Chapter 16
Finally, Chapter 16:17 screams watch out for divisive persons. Those who want to annoy, irritate, get on your nerves by saying things contrary to the word of God. Guard your heart diligently, and your temper too.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, I’d like to give one final word of caution: Watch out for those who cause divisions and offenses among you. When they antagonize you by speaking of things that are contrary to the teachings that you’ve received, don’t be caught in their snare!
Romans 16:17 TPT
Thank you for reading my pondering on the book of Romans! The second part of the article will be out next week. Please leave comments and let me know your ponderings on this article.

📷 Julia Volk on Pexels.com
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