Onboarding for (new) believers

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Between December 2023 and July 2024, you’d have found me reading Spiritual Exercises by Watchman Nee. Why did it take me so long? Well, that book was the answer to my prayers. Also, I was busy summarizing it for you. In the next 2-3 articles, I’ll be sharing the summary of the book. Although the article is titled onboarding for new believers, this is a great read for all believers

My recommendation for you is to read through first and then study it again at your own pace. There were aspects I didn’t agree with until I prayed & studied again. That may or may not be the case for you.

Book 1: A Living Sacrifice


As a new believer, the first thing to do once saved is to get baptised. Mark 16:16.

Why, you may ask? Because once you receive Jesus, aka you’re saved from the world and its sinful nature, you acknowledge it by baptism.

In Baptism, aka immersion into the water, you acknowledge that the old you died when Christ died, and now you emerge in the same power of resurrection that also raised Jesus from the dead.

Concluding the Past & Selling All

After baptism, the past should be concluded. How? By putting away idols, throwing out things connected to sin, and not befitting for your new man in Christ. Emphatically, reimburse debts Luke 19:8 and subject yourself to the Holy Spirit’s leading Acts 19:19

Put God first. In your old life, you were your own authority. However, in this new life, you walk in submission to God. Keep in mind that God doesn’t force anyone to submit to Him, He respects your will.

Undoubtedly, He brings your heart to the place of understanding, from which you freely submit. Acts 2 & 4, Matthew 6:21, 24


In being saved, you and I realise that we’re not doing God a favour. On the contrary, 2 Cor. 5:14 emphasises that the love of God constrains us, and we now live as unto God. What does this mean? Well, because I have now experienced the love of God, I submit myself to living in a manner that pleases God.

Besides love, 1 Cor.6:19-20 acknowledges that Christ paid a price for us. As such, we should glorify God in our bodies. Herein, we find the other basis for consecration; God’s legal right over us.

Understanding this, you and I set ourselves apart to be God’s, serving Him and placing Him as first priority.

Study the Bible

2 Timothy 3:16-17. God’s primary way of speaking to the believer is through the Bible. A problem arises when the (young) believer doesn’t have a foundation for God to speak to him/her.

How then do you study the Bible?

  • Pay attention to the facts
  • Memorize it
  • Find Jesus in the Scripture

Once the right interpretation is arrived at, then you can begin to apply the Scriptures.

Read your Bible, and pray every day if you want to grow. That’s the best way to study.


Ask specifically – Luke 11:9-10, Don’t ask amiss – James 4:3; that can look like asking to satiate your lusts instead of God’s will. Sin is a big hindrance to prayers being answered – Psalm 66:18. Ultimately, asking and not believing is you saying I won’t get it, but why not ask? That’s a lack of faith.

You don’t pray only when there’s a need. You pray always & persistently – Luke 18:1. In prayer, there are 2 ends: the one praying and the one being prayed for. Oftentimes, the first end needs to undergo transformation before the other end needs to be changed. Ultimately, both ends will need to change as prayers are offered.

Early rising

Psalm 63:1 Frankly, the best time to commune with God is in the early hours of the day. That’s because the activities you have to do are yet to overwhelm you. Before you run out the door for work or whatever activity will need your attention, spend some time meditating, feeding on the word of God, praying and worshipping God.

Book 2: The Good Confession

Public Confession

Romans 10:10. Once you believe with your heart unto righteousness, then you should confess unto salvation. Once saved, you make it known that you’ve now encountered Jesus. This way, the world is aware that you’re no longer a part of them.

It’s not solely about changing one’s life or conduct. Actually, alongside a changed conduct/life, there should be an accompanying confession of faith. Are you worried that you won’t be able to keep up with expectations? Don’t be, because you’re walking with God, and He is able to keep you from falling.

The confession comes first, and the conduct will certainly catch up.

Separation from the world

Be separate from things inconsistent with your relationship with God, things that quench your spiritual life (Anything that doesn’t draw you closer to God), social relationships where you can’t freely confess that you’re Christian. 2 Cor.6:17-18

Elimination of distinction

Colossians 3:11. There should be no discrimination between brethren because we have all believed in the same Lord. Eph.4:2-5. Gal.3:27-28. Bringing worldly distinctions (culture, gender, wealth status, nationality, personality types, etc.) into Christ strains the relationship between brethren, thus impacting the Church’ establishment.


Acts 22:15. You share what you have seen, heard, and learnt of God with everyone you come in contact with. Of course, you don’t have to be a preacher to witness. How do you go about it? Tell your own story

Tell of your encounter with Jesus and point them to the Saviour & Scriptures.

How to lead people to Christ

Approach God on behalf of Sinners, aka Pray for those yet to be saved. Mention them by name specifically. The biggest hindrance to your prayer is sin. Psalm 62:8. Pray in faith, which means that you believe that God has answered your prayer.

Approach sinners on God’s behalf; don’t argue unnecessarily. In bringing people to Christ, we want to share our experience of Christ with them. This is in place of arguing over a couple of points, which in turn push the people away.

Hold on to facts. Present Jesus in the simplest way possible. Acts 4:20. Be sincere. Ask for opportunities and utilise them when it comes. Start with those around you and always pray for them. Be consistent, in & out of season.

Household Salvation

Salvation is for the entire household. There are so many instances (Noah, Rahab, Cornelius, Zacchaeus, the Philippian jailor, etc) in the Bible where we see one man hear the Gospel and his entire family is saved as well. Acts 16:31, Acts 2:39

Even if your entire family is yet to believe, stand firm in that your household will come to believe the Gospel.

Book 3: Assembling Together

Join a Church

You can’t be a Christian all by yourself. That said, there are 2 sides to salvation: Personal side & Corporate side. This corporate side has to do with you being in fellowship with other brethren. Ephesians 2:22 records that we all are being built into God’s dwelling place.

So we do see that we’re one body in Ephesians 4:4, and as such, no one should be a private Christian. When we believe in Jesus’ Gospel, we’re already a part of the Church. However, us “joining the church” is us seeking fellowship with other brethren.

Laying on of hands

2-fold significance in the Old Testament: Identification and Impartation. Technically, Communion. The first joins a person to the body of Christ, and the 2nd communicates what the Head has for the member. This causes a reckoning within the believer that he/she is a member of the Church, and as such, in isolation, the believer is finished.

Assembling together

Ecclesia means “the called out ones assembled.” There are so many examples of assembling together in the Bible. At every point during the assembly, we each receive light through the various activities.

At every gathering, we meet in the name of the Lord, and as such, our focus should be on Jesus and the edification of one another.

Various Meetings

There are various kinds of meetings within the Church:

  • Gospel meeting (once people come to believe in the Lord, they should start preaching the Gospel) 
  • Breaking of bread meeting (Emphasis on 1 Corinthians 10 -fellowship of God’s children- & 1 Corinthians 11 remembering the Lord’s sacrifice)
  • Prayer meeting (be of one heart & one mind)
  • Exercise of gifts/Fellowship meeting, and
  • Ministry/Preaching meetings (Teaching of God’s word).

For all of these, an open heart is a key requirement.

My prayer is that you look more like Jesus after every article. P.S: I’ve enjoyed writing this article. We’ll continue in the next article.

Thank you for reading – Funmi

Onboarding a new believer

Read previous article: Understanding the Gospel of Jesus

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Onboarding for (new) believers Between December 2023 and July 2024, you’d have found me reading Spiritual Exercises by Watchman Nee. Why did it take me so long? Well, that book was the answer to my prayers. Also, I was busy summarizing it for you. In the next 2-3 articles, I’ll be sharing the summary of the book. Although the […]
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