Are you intentional about your walk with God?

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Last year, my faith took a hit. It was the year I attended the first burial in my adult life, the person was only a year older than I was. While that contributed greatly, I also didn’t have an active Bible study plan as I had earlier completed the yearly devotional – Foch Woman – I used. With the little happenings here and there, I wasn’t where I ought to have been spiritually. Unlike I was, are you intentional with your walk with God?

At the time of my struggling, a lot of people could not point it out. I was in active service on the blog and in Church. I looked normal. Towards the end of the year, a friend asked me this: “How’s your walk with God?”. Honestly, I was delighted as I could finally explain what I’d been through. Noteworthily, I was already in a better place by that time.

Today, I’d like to ask you the same with a twist to it: Are you intentional about your walk with God?

Intentional: Done deliberately, Performed on purpose. (Source: Collins Dictionary)

Do you have a routine when it comes to your walk with God? Or do you like to freestyle it? Maybe Genesis 1 today and tomorrow Revelations 7. How often do you pray? How about spending time in Praise and Worship? What about going to Church? Do you let your emotions lead you or you follow the routine regardless of your emotions?

Routine: a usual or fixed way of doing things. (Source: Cambridge Dictionary)

The quest to be intentional

What does being intentional look like to you? For me, being intentional looks like putting my phone on Do not disturb so I get uninterrupted Bible study time in the morning and evening.

Considering the uniqueness of our beings, intentionality will look different for you and I.

For this reason, you should develop a routine that works for you. While I can make suggestions here and there, you know what will work for you. If you’re yet to find what works for you, there will be a few suggestions you can try out below.

Once the routine is in place, you will be intentional about your walk with God. Even on your tired and not so good days, this will guide you.

How can you be intentional?

So far, I’ve asked a few questions which should help you. At this time, I’d like to provide you with practical steps in being intentional about your walk with God:

  • Read your Bible daily; You can decide to do a topical study or book study.
  • Pray daily; Even when you don’t feel like it, talk to God. He’s listening. You’ll gain momentum that way.
  • Listen to sermons from trusted sources
  • Use a Bible Plan from a trusted source; Youversion offers a lot of these
  • Go to Church in person my dears
  • Speak to your Community about the challenges you have

To conclude, I’d like to leave you with the lyrics to this song I learnt as a child: Read your Bible, Pray everyday x3, if you want to grow. Your growth depends on you, be intentional about it.

Are you intentional about your walk with God?
Walk with God, you don’t have to do it alone

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on

Previous article: Faith check: Do you still believe?

P.S: If you were wondering, I made up my mind to never be where I was last year, again. Spiritually, I’m a lot healthier because I now have a routine :).

Thank you for reading – Funmi

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Are you intentional about your walk with God? Last year, my faith took a hit. It was the year I attended the first burial in my adult life, the person was only a year older than I was. While that contributed greatly, I also didn’t have an active Bible study plan as I had earlier completed the yearly devotional – Foch Woman – […]
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4 responses

  1. This is super important! I remember that song and it’s interesting to finally realize how spot-on it is. I also really like how you shared practical steps to build a routine. Thanks for sharing Funmi!

  2. Great post, Funmi! Reading and studying the Bible is so important. It will make us discerning and that is important in today’s world. Blessings!

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