Decaffeinated Christianity – Blog highlights

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A month or 2 ago, as I scrolled through WordPress, I came across this article. Although the subject line was eye-catching, the article itself was what got me thinking. In sharing this article, my question to you is: Are you practising Decaffeinated Christianity?

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Just as the power of coffee lies in the caffeine and that of wine depends on how long it has been allowed to ferment, the power of a Christian hinges on how committed he is to denying himself, picking up his cross and following Christ.

Remember when every decision we needed to make was an answer to the question, “What would Jesus do?” Now we are compelled to consider how politically correct our views before voicing them; even especially when it stands in glaring contradiction to we believe in as Christians.

Kindly click on the link below to keep reading.

Decaffeinated Christianity

Thank you very much to Josephine, who wrote this article. You should check out her blog on here: Joseyphina’s world

A quick note: I’ll be going on a month long break from writing on the blog. You can expect new and refreshing articles from August. Until I’m back, you can read other articles on the blog. Thank you!!!

Read Previous article: How to grow spiritually

Thank you for reading – Funmi

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Decaffeinated Christianity – Blog highlights A month or 2 ago, as I scrolled through WordPress, I came across this article. Although the subject line was eye-catching, the article itself was what got me thinking. In sharing this article, my question to you is: Are you practising Decaffeinated Christianity? Here’s an excerpt from the article: Just as the power of coffee […]
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