Yesterday, as I watched a book review, I heard the writer say this; Most times, the Holy Spirit gives us actions contrary to popular belief. This line piqued my interest, so I decided to write an article from it.
When Jesus was leaving, He promised to send a helper. This helper is the Spirit of truth, aka Holy Spirit. You can find this in John 14:16-17 .
Have you ever had the Holy Spirit lead you to do something? If yes, what was it? Did it fall within the confines of popular belief?
Sometime ago at work, I had this leading to add a few lines to my signature. The lines read: “With God, Nothing is impossible”. Initially, I broke a sweat because I hadn’t seen others do that.
Even after complying, I didn’t understand why I was still nervous. Maybe because it was contrary to popular belief? Well, I’ve had a few colleagues tell me how they love my signature and say Amen. That definitely makes me grateful that I obeyed.
When the Holy Spirit acts and works in and through you, more often than not, it will be contrary to popular belief. It may not even be the norm or what’s trending. What matters is that you learn to understand this.
In the book of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, when the disciples began to speak in unknown tongues, many assumed them to be drunk. What a sight that was in a probable conservative society

Popular belief is what’s accepted to be the standard in society.. And it’s easy to go along with it because that’s what everyone is used to.
So when the Holy Spirit brings these actions to you, what should you do? The first is to pray for the strength to be obedient. For those times, you aren’t totally convinced, it will be helpful to align with the plan.
The second thing I’ll recommend is to do it a.s.a.p. Sometimes, what happens when you are asked to do a task and you procrastinate, is that you aren’t as willing to do it. This is because you will have cold feet about the instruction.
One more thing you mustn’t forget is to ask for directions on how to do it. Asking makes life easier especially when the Holy Spirit is leading. According to John 16:13, the Holy Spirit guides us.
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
John 16:13 NKJV
Contrary to popular belief, the Holy Spirit is real and alive within you. Do you let Him lead you? Even when it’s not the norm or trend? Today, He beckons to you and asks that you let Him through. Will you?

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