In August, I was privileged to speak to a set of Nigerian Scholars based in Hungary. Being a previous scholar, I had a list of advice to offer, one being “Don’t be complacent”.
The first time I remember using complacency in a sentence, I didn’t have a full grasp on the definition yet. It’s like one of the new words you learn and are exploring the usage.
Complacency: a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder. (Cambridge Dictionary)
It wasn’t until this year that I realized complacency to be self-satisfaction. That feeling of I’ve gotten here now, let me get comfortable. Soon after, oh well, I don’t need anything else.
Not only does this phase cheat you of opportunities to become better, it robs you of the more to come your way.
In Revelation 3:14-22, John the beloved writes to the Lukewarm Church (Hereinafter referred to as Luke). After reviewing Luke’s work, the Lord says that his work is average.
Average as in, he’s become complacent. Verse 17 gives an accurate depiction of Luke’s thoughts: I’m rich and getting richer, what more do I need? At this point, he had stopped improving and learning.
Are you Luke or Do you know Luke? Earlier in the year, I was Luke, but now I’ve chosen to drop that name and its average works. Continuously improving and learning is the watch word going forward.
The Lord is calling you and I to drop complacency and repent. Verse 19 (TPT) sums it perfectly: All those the Lord dearly loves, He unmasks and trains. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right.

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