Blog highlight: The anticipation of Christmas

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Merry Christmas! At this time of writing, Christmas was yesterday. Although the decorations and lights of Christmas will last a couple more days, will you hold on to your anticipation beyond Christmas?

Please note this article is not mine and was written by John Dillon at CCEM. I loved it so much that I decided it should have a home on my blog.

Here’s an excerpt from the article below:

Finally, when the timing was right, it happened. Jesus, the one that human history was looking forward to, was finally born. Angels announced it from on high and shepherds and wise men came to witness what God had done. God had been promising this since the beginning and man was eager for their messiah, so surely the whole world rejoiced, right? There was an overwhelming sense of joy and relief and the world as man knew it was finally different, right?

We know that this was a critical turning point in human history, and everything about our understanding of God and how we relate to Him changed because of this critical moment, but I also can’t help but feel for a vast majority of people, nothing changed.

Please click on the link to the original article to read it in full: The Anticipation of Christmas

Thank you for 2024! Wishing you a restful holiday season and an amazing 2025! See you in February 2025!

Thank you for reading – Funmi

bokeh photography of lights
Photo by Tim Mossholder on
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