On a certain Thursday at work, in a haste to print some documents, I left my Smart Card on my desk. Between leaving my office, walking to the printer, and having side conversations on my way back, it just didn’t come to mind that I’d left it inside. That’s until I stood in front of the door.
To make matters worse, my team had gone for lunch. So, who would let me into the office?
For those unfamiliar with Smart Cards, they grant you access into the building. As a security measure, employees are always advised to carry their smart cards.
Back to my story; I already started fretting at the door because, like I mentioned earlier, who’ll let me in? Should I wait until everyone comes back from lunch? When will that be?
The last person I’d engaged in conversation heard me and immediately started offering possible solutions. One of those involved reaching out to a supervisor nearby. What did I have to lose?
After explaining the situation, we tried some possible solutions before she asked if there was anyone inside the office. Finally, I remembered someone, and after a couple of messages to the person, I got into the office.
A little empathy goes a long way
During the entire ordeal, one of the things I remember them saying was, “Don’t worry, it happens.” Quite frankly, I expected someone to chide me on how silly a mistake I’d made and a reminder to always carry my SC.
So, when I didn’t get that, joy filled my heart. Why?
Besides the fact that chiding was always the response to making mistakes growing up, I already had a lot to deal with that week.
At that moment, getting a lecture on how to avoid being in this situation wouldn’t have helped me. Instead, a little empathy did.
When the 4000 men were fed in the book of Matthew, the Bible records that Jesus empathised with them. Although there wasn’t much, Jesus readily fed them with what was available. (Matthew 15:32-39)
Don’t ever forget that a little empathy goes a long way.

Read previous article: Jesus the express image of God
Thank you for reading – Funmi
2 responses
This is so powerful! I’m thankful that you were given understanding and empathy in that situation and that you used it to remind all of us of a very important lesson. Blessings!
Thank you for your comment Patty! I’m glad the lesson resonates with you as well.