Recently, I was talking to a friend about relationships; she said something about having a preconceived mindset. Well, many times right from childhood, you already set your notions about certain things. As you grow older, they take form in your thought and decision making processes.
Often, you find yourself taking decisions without thinking it through. What happened? How did you end up with a decision without considering all the available options? This is as a result of the preconceived mindset you already have; sometimes, you take decisions at the risk of peril to yourself.
Peril: great danger or something that is dangerous
What if your preconceived mindset is cheating you? How do you know it’s not?
Blessing in Disguise
When God decides to bless you, He usually doesn’t ask for your opinion. All He does is use someone to materialise it here on earth.
Do you ever imagine that if and when God decides to bless you, He will tell you?
“Dear Funmi, I’m sending your blessing through …. , make sure you are available to pick it up. If you can’t pick it today, I’ll give you 2 extra weeks before it becomes unavailable. Lots of love, God.”
Even if your imagination is quite vivid, I don’t think God usually operates in that manner. Well, there are some exceptions to this.
If you make up your mind on how God will bless you, you may miss the blessing.
That’s the power of a preconceived mindset; even when your blessing is right in front of you, you may miss it. Until you let go of such mindset, you probably will not see what God is doing
Likewise, many people have lost their blessings due to a preconceived mindset. How do you let it go? By being open-minded.

Open-mindedness coming through
According to the Cambridge dictionary, being open-minded means “willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own”.
Personally, I have come to realise that when you move to a new environment, you almost always have to drop every preconceived mindset. There’s no way you will survive without being open-minded.
In order to avoid the peril of a preconceived mindset, you most certainly have to adopt being open-minded. Many are of the opinion that in being open-minded, you automatically have to accept everything regardless of like or dislike.
In this regard, I beg to disagree with the opinion. In Mark 2:13-17, you will see Jesus dining with Matthew a tax collector and others. Do you think He hadn’t heard about them and all the things they did?.
Although He didn’t agree with what they did, He had an understanding that He needed to save them. One important thing to note here is that Jesus didn’t let the preconceived mindsets of others influence His open-minded nature.
He knew to not use any preconceived mindset to judge them, lest they miss out on being saved.
Jesus didn’t let the preconceived mindsets of others influence His open-minded nature
What exactly is the peril of a preconceived mindset?
Aside missing out on your blessings, one other thing to note is that a preconceived mindset puts limitations on God. Without a doubt, once God is limited you cease to see His works in your life. Even when He is working, you don’t see anything.
Are you willing to risk it all for a preconceived mindset?
Thank you for reading this article!

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